I hope you like our new website:)
You'll notice on our new website, we have new order forms, and new code #'s for every single one of our cake, cupcake and cookie designs. Ordering is even easier now, if you like a design, all you gotta do is fill out an order request form YUP thats it that easy.
We will then contact you to confirm details and payment.
For everyday cupcakes, even easier just scroll down to the order tab on Everyday Cupcake page, open the order form check off the flavors you want fax or email us the form and thats it. TAH DAH...cupcakes at your doorstep:)
Oh one more thing, if you log on and find that the old website still pops up, it may still be programmed on your bookmark. Please type in www.completedeelite.com again and it should be as good as new. And ofcoarse don't forget to bookmark it:)
Have a great weekend!