Its been very very exciting here. Well, there's exciting GOOD and Exciting Bad:( Lets start with the bad. About a 1 week ago our website got Hacked. I never thought in a million years our pinkness would attract such cyber bullies. So we were down in cyber world for about 1 week which felt like 1 month. Luckily we were still able to do some updates on facebook. I website got fixed on Wed and as you can see here I was SOOOOOO HAPPY!You have no idea how happy I was when I found out. I was jumping up like a lil kid in a candy store. The entire company was doing the Happy Dance:)
Our new classroom has been AMAZING! We taught our first official Intensive Wilton class this week. The space is so nice,clean and new! Its like riding in a brand new pink car:)
Here are all the student's cakes all iced and ready to go. Don't you just love our new ovens and our new student cubbies:)

I have more exciting pink news:) We just received our newly designed pink cupcake boxes. Aren't they just so dreamy!!! The boxes also come with a matching pink bag too!
It's back to school and these pink boxes couldn't have come at a better time. We've been sending lots of back to school cupcake treat boxes to some lucky teachers. Nothing like a pretty pink box to surprise your teacher on the first day of school. I wish I had that up my sleeve when I was student.
More cupcake news!
We've redesigned our We Luv Workshops.
I first launched We Luv cupcake in 2006. I can't believe this workshop is 7 years old. Though the workshop was already fantastic, it needed a lil face lift:) Trust me, you're going to love this New We Luv Cupcake Workshop. Its even more lovable now. Its packed full of decorating ideas and techniques.
I'll be teaching the first class.
Here are the dates:)
We Luv Cupcakes 3 Hours $950 *All supplies and Deelite Certificate included
Sept 9th Sat 1-4pm (Jacinta)
Sept 28 Sat 1-4pm
Oct 10 Tues 10:30am-1:30pm
Oct 22nd Tues 1-4pm (Halloween Theme)
Nov 9th Sat 1-4pm
Nov 13th Wed 1-4pm (Christmas Theme)
Nov 28 Mon 1-4pm (Christmas Theme)
Our Classic Cake Technique class has been with us since we opened 2004. It is still one our most popular class. We found that people had plenty of recipes but they always had the same problems: baked cake looked like a mountain and not flat and smooth, difficulty releasing their cake from pan, cake is hard and not moist, cake very hard to fill and put icing on.
So I've revamped it in a big way. In this class you will not only learn how to bake a perfectly textured cake for decorating. You will also learn how to fill, cover and do simple buttercream piping. It doesn't get any better than that:)
New! Classic Cake Technique Class 3Hrs $1,200
Aug 26th Mon 1-4pm (Jacinta)
Sept 7th 1-4pm
Oct 5 Sat 10:30-1:30
Oct 19th Sat 1-4pm
Nov 16th Sat 1-4pm
Dec 3rd Tues 10:30-1:30
One more pink news:) To better our service we have upgraded our phone system
Cake: Press 1
Class: Press 2
Retail : Press 3
Events: Press 4
General: Press 0
Yes, I had to pose with my pink phone. I'm a pink poser and I love it:)
Have a great weekend! xoxo