We had the joy of creating 2 exsquisite castle designs for 2 very special princesses:)
Both had lights and firework effects added. Oh how I wish we could show you fireworks and lights in action that would have been so cool. Well, I trust your imagination can give you a close enough visual:)
Here is our Royal Rose castle cake fit for a birthday queen. The cake flavor was chocolate and vanilla. We covered the cake with different shades of pink roses. The staircase was decorated with edible lace detail.
We made another giant princess castle cake for Karena Ng Both beauties were featured in apple daily newspaper. As you can see, Karena was a very happy princess indeed.

Here are a few close up shots of some details on the castle. Lace detailing on staircase and a water fountain on the bottom of the castle.
How could you not be a happy princess with a special cake designed by her boyfriend Raymond Lam:)