Wedding season is soon approaching so I thought I'd highlight on some of our latest wedding creations.
Here's a shot of the original birthday cake inspiration. You can also tell that I"ve since upgraded my camera too:)
Here are some adorable Bride and Groom themed cupcakes .We dressed the groom with a golden bow tie and the bride with a pearl necklace. Its hard to tell on the photos, but the bow tie and pearl necklace had a beautiful shimmer.
These cupcakes were to go on a wedding cupcake tower with a topper cake.

These cupcakes were to go on a wedding cupcake tower with a topper cake.

Here's a close up of the Bride and also a shot of the groom before we put on his gold bow tie.

Here is cake we did for Connie's and John's 1 year wedding anniversary. I couldn't believe how quickly time has flown as it seemed like yesterday we were all planning their wedding cake design. I was told by Connie that they didn't get a chance to eat their wedding cake. So she surprised John with a mini 1 tier replica of their original wedding cake design. The cake flavor was Mango Deelite;Vanilla cake with fresh mango and cream.