Every so often I get a super surprise in the mail box. I received a sweet thank you card from CIS last week. It brought a huge smile to my face:) I have stuck all of my thank you cards on my office window. Receiving cards by mail is such a treasure since everything is done by email/ecards now adays.
As I read the Thank you card, "The cake and cupcakes were a huge success and really helped add a WOW factor to the day" Eeeeek....I realized that I left out our Jr. cupcakes out of our Big Day at School blog. How could I have left them out, they were such a huge part of the celebration. We decorated 119 dozens of them = 1,428 Jr's. to be exact. I'm sorry for not including you into the big news my sweet Jr's:) This blog is dedicated to you.
Here are our Jr's freshly baked and cooling down in our baking trays.
Then iced all 1,428 of them & topped them off with our rainbow sprinkles.
And if you're wondering why you never saw our Jr. cupcakes before, its because we just launched them about a month ago. Our Jr's are available in an assorted flavors of your choice.
Here is our Rainbow Bright Jr. Isn't it soooooooooooooo cute:)