Monday, September 29, 2008

This ones for you Jr's!

Every so often I get a super surprise in the mail box. I received a sweet thank you card from CIS last week. It brought a huge smile to my face:) I have stuck all of my thank you cards on my office window. Receiving cards by mail is such a treasure since everything is done by email/ecards now adays.

As I read the Thank you card, "The cake and cupcakes were a huge success and really helped add a WOW factor to the day" Eeeeek....I realized that I left out our Jr. cupcakes out of our Big Day at School blog. How could I have left them out, they were such a huge part of the celebration. We decorated 119 dozens of them = 1,428 Jr's. to be exact. I'm sorry for not including you into the big news my sweet Jr's:) This blog is dedicated to you.

Here are our Jr's freshly baked and cooling down in our baking trays.

We then organized and boxed them into our window boxes
Then iced all 1,428 of them & topped them off with our rainbow sprinkles.
And if you're wondering why you never saw our Jr. cupcakes before, its because we just launched them about a month ago. Our Jr's are available in an assorted flavors of your choice.

Here is our Rainbow Bright Jr. Isn't it soooooooooooooo cute:)