Its been one fun and exciting weekend. Before I show y'all our weekend goodies I so NEEEEEEEEEEEED to show you one of our mid-autumn festival cupcake designs. Its been on my mind to blog about this since early last week. But I got a lil too excited about our candy class and also our Choco-Rocks cupcakes so these poor ADORABLE cupcakes were pushed aside:( sorry guys. Here goes...TAH DAH!
We sculpted lil lanterns and bedazzled our yum yum cupcakes

Everytime when Mid-Autumn festival comes around, I always think of all the beautiful laterns displayed on the streets.
Everytime when Mid-Autumn festival comes around, I always think of all the beautiful laterns displayed on the streets.
You're probably surprised why I didin't make a pink one. Actually, I did. It was one of my firsts ones I made. But my BIGGEST pet peeve happened. My camera ran outta bats. GASP! I know, can we say lame.
I was totally in my photo taking moment and was just about to line up all my colored laterns when I pressed the button of my camera and I got totally denied by my Canon:( I"m not blaming my Canon as she has been such a faithful buddy. I just haven't been taking care of it as well as I should.
I tell you, our lantern cupcakes absolutely GORGEOUS when they are all lined up.
I also made another design. I guess y'all have something to look forward to on Monday.
I'll post them all up on Monday.
Another thing to look forward to is our Grand 5th Birthday week. Its this coming week. We are selling our Everyday Cupcake flavors at standard prices!!!!
If you're not that excited about it, let me write it to you in print.
This means all of of our specialty flavor cupcakes
Mint Baby, Choco-Fluff, Lemonlicious, Choco-Rocks, Juicy Raspberry, Carrot Deelite,
Black & White are only $16 each or $180 a dozen from this coming Monday 21st -Friday 25th.
Can I hear a HEY- HO- HEY --HO,.... thats rights put your hands up in the air......ok I"ll stop there. You feeling my excitment now:)
Lastly, I wanted to mention that last week there was an article in SCMP in regards to our building being torn down for refurbishment. This is not happening immediately, so not to worry we're still open. We haven't moved anywhere and we won't suddenly disappear.
I want to thank you all for your calls and asking us if we are still open and if we are moving soon etc..... As of now, we are not moving. And when we do, believe me we are gonna mention it to you way in advance. And blog all about it as it will be a very exciting season for us:)
Have a wonderful weekend!