If you've been following us on Facebook, Mercedes also posted on our wall saying she's excited too. Its her first time to HK and I can't wait to show her around.
Aside from prepping for Mercedes grand arrival, we've been busy making Halloween treats. Tomorrow, Mercedes and I will be doing an interview with Apple Daily. We'll be doing a demonstration on Halloween treats:) Eeeeeek I know. SOOOOOOOO EXCITED.
Just to give you a head start on your halloween goodies, I thought I"d make some goodies to get you started about making your treats this year.
I love our Halloween candy kits because everything you need is all in the box. What more can you ask for. Annnnd its super dooper easy peasy!!! PROMISE:)
First open up your candy box of goodies. 
take out your candy molds, melts, bags, lollipop sticks.
take out your candy molds, melts, bags, lollipop sticks.
Pipe out your nail color on your fingure mold. I like orange and purple so used those for my nail color