I've been super dooper excited to make these cupcakes for you.
These Glitter rose cupcakes are not only easy & pretty, you may not even wanna give'em to your mother:)
I was inspired to make these cupcakes after seeing these fabulous silicone molds.
You would have thought the pink silicone mold caught my eye first.
But it was this turqois mold with the Giant rose that caught my eye. I knew I wanted to make some cupcakes with them.
Here's what you need:
Starting from the left of photo.
-Buttercream bag (no tip needed , just cut the end)
-Cupcakes -Fondant (color of your choice)
-Edible Glitter (optional but oh so fabulous you gotta have it)
- Brush for Glitter -Silicone Mold.
Now lets get started!
Take a bit of your fondant and pack it into your selected mold design.
Take out any excess fondant from mold before removing the fondant from the imprint mold.
After packing your fondant in, you can peel out your design.
Repeat the same for leaves
Make as many as you want and you're set. See I told you that was easy:) And yes, believe it or not it gets even easier.
Take your buttercream bag and sqeeze out a simple swirl. Your swirl doesn't have to be perfect as this is just an adhesive for your toppers to stick.
Put your leaves on first.
Then place your GORGEOUS giant rose topper.
Now for the finale. Take your brush and sprinkle your edible glitter on the cupcake.
And your finished!
TAH DAH! Aside from a big hug & kiss, I think this is the second best thing you can do for your Mommy for Mother's Day:)

Have a very Happy Mother's Day!